Why Visit Africa On Safari
Traveling anywhere in the world allows for personal growth and opportunities to broaden your mind, but experiencing a safari is life changing. Getting a glimpse of nature in its rawest form was both exhilarating and quite humbling.

I was shocked at how comfortable the animals seemed to be with the safari vehicles in some of the areas we visited. This allowed us the opportunity to get much closer to the wildlife than I ever expected.

Staring into the amber eyes of a large lion (while knowing we were safe inside the vehicle) is an experience that is hard to put into words, and nature provided these unbelievable experiences over and over again.

We witnessed so many incredible things, such as seeing baby elephants suckle milk from their mothers, spotting a rare cat because our guide was able to read the body language of other animals alerting to danger, locating elusive leopards, watching cheetahs hunt, and the list goes on!

It is called a “game drive,” because it is just that: a game. There is no guarantee you will see what you set out to find, but one thing is for sure: every day is different, and every day is remarkable. Each wildlife encounter feels surreal, like you are in an episode of Planet Earth, and it never gets old. It was an honor to get a glimpse into wild Africa and the beauty and challenges it brings along with each sunrise and sunset.

If you are looking for an adventurous destination that is sure to feel majestic and awe-inspiring, a safari will not disappoint. Unfiltered nature is something that cannot be explained, it must be experienced for oneself. A safari will show you things you never could have imagined witnessing, and it will change you for the better.

Such incredible photos that you have been able to share with others!